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Art Beyond The West (3rd Edition) Download Pdf


Art Beyond The West (3rd Edition) Download Pdf Art outside the West: art from the Islamic world, India and Southeast Asia, China, Japan and Korea, the Pacific, Africa and America. The conference program addressed issues of theory and history of art, fine and decorative arts, prospects for the development of world art movements, as well as problems of contemporary art. I Conference "Artistic heritage and cultural heritage of the peoples of the North Caucasus" was held from September 20 to 21 at the Central Exhibition Hall Manege in Moscow, the organizer of the conference was the Foundation for the Promotion of the Preservation of the Cultural and Spiritual Heritage of the Peoples "RUSSIAN WHITE ISLAND", with the support of the Government of Moscow, the Ministry of Culture Russian Federation and the Ministry of Culture of the Chechen Republic. The detailed program can be found here. Conference organizers: Polyansky Institute of Language, Literature and History of the Dagestan Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences; National Museum of the Republic of Dagestan; Russian New University with the support of the Polytechnic Museum. The duration of the conference is October 13-17, 2015. The conference is held on the initiative of the RFBR and the Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation.For participation, please contact: Ekaterina Sergeevna Semenova - 8(495) 621-15-15, e-mail: Organizing Committee: Frolova Elena Vladimirovna - Chairman, Shakhmatova Natalya Aleksandrovna - Leading Specialist of the RFBR Program, Saxen Olga Robertovna - Ph.D., Chief Researcher, Gerasimova Olga Vladimirovna - Researcher of the RFBR Program Article formatting requirements: The volume of the article is up to 2 pages. The text is typed at 1.5 intervals, Times New Roman font, size 12, after 1 interval, justified, first line: text justified NOT, including indents to the right (comma, semicolon, two dots), proper nouns: with new line (separated by commas), separated by a space, justified by width, on the first page in the upper right corner - the main text, on subsequent pages - the table of contents. The list of references is drawn up in the order of mention in the text or in alphabetical order. STRUCTURE OF THE ARTICLE (in English) (Department: Eastern European Institute) Place of the article in a scientific journal, type of article Margins: left - 0.75 cm, right - 1.0 cm, middle - 1 cm Supervisor, abstract and keywords (n 3e8ec1a487

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